Green Cleaning Services

We are doing our part to keep California Green!

According to the US EPA, levels from pollutants indoors can be up to more than 100 times higher than outdoors, and the number one culprit for indoor pollution are cleaning products. Green cleaning is defined as cleaning methods and products with environmentally friendly ingredients designed to preserve human health and environmental quality. Our green cleaning program is designed to reduce indoor air pollution by using less-toxic cleaning chemicals and equipment that is more effective at capturing particulate matter, by utilizing safer cleaning chemicals and advance technology found in modern equipment, our green cleaning services releases fewer harmful particulates and toxic substances into the environment.

Performance First green cleaning program goes beyond chemical and equipment choices; it is also about effective cleaning to create a healthier environment. Our green clean program includes policies, procedures and training as well as shared responsibility efforts that minimize the impact of cleaning materials on the health of building occupants and protect the environment as a whole. Our green cleaning services will improve the performance of your employees by reducing absenteeism and building related health problems.

We love California! There is a reason why this state is called the Golden State, starting with its people, its weather and of course the beautiful scenery. What is there not to love about this beautiful state of ours? And we are committed to keeping it just like that—as beautiful as it is. By offering our green cleaning services, we are doing our part to keep california green!

We are ready to be your business partner for all of your janitorial services, facilities maintenance & building management needs!

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